Today is the birthday of the Domino Wizard...Happy Birthday Robert !
March 2011
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...
A Domino "Chain of Love" fundraiser
Mr. Speca,
My name is Jennifer Wickham and I work at St. George
Episcopal School in San Antonio, TX. I thought you might be
interested in how we use dominoes at our school.
Every spring our students collect money for issues related to global
poverty, hunger, etc. For every dollar we raise we put a domino on
our gymnasium floor. When the fundraising period is over, we all
gather in the gym for a spectacular toppling. The domino chain
(dubbed "Chain of Love") is a metaphor for how little efforts add up
to bigger things, and this project is helping our students learn that
they can make a difference in the world. I began this project in
2006, and your Championship Domino Toppling book was one of the first
resources I bought. The first year we knocked down
3500--HUGE to me at the time--and last year it was 25,000. Every
year we use the slogan ONE DOLLAR=ONE DOMINO=ONE WORLD. Because
they've seen the impact of all this on our school community, other
schools have asked us to help them do Chains of Love of their own.
The San Antonio Spurs have awarded us a grant to help us develop the
project, and we're currently a semifinalist for an additional
$20,000 grant from them. (see:
Here's another link to a story that ran on CNN last year:
Mainly I wanted to write you to THANK YOU, because your work has
helped pave the way for our own. It's fun to see how our project has
grown over the years, and I thought you might get a kick out of seeing
how we're using dominoes to change the world!
Jennifer Wickham
Director of Religious Formation
St. George Episcopal School